What if customers abuse the ReturnScore based resolutions? Who holds the liability?

Written by Aviad Raz
Updated 3 years ago

The goal of our technology is to balance the risk automatically for you while resolving returns in real-time, proving the best return experience like no human can. This allows you to implement policies such as “Ship later” or “Keep the item” that would otherwise be considered too risky. Keep in mind that you enable this technology at your own risk.

Let’s say our algorithm decides to offer a customer a resolution to ship their product back later, but the customer doesn’t ship it back at all. This loss would be absorbed by the store. While we balance the risk and reward and offer it only when the rewards are higher than the risk, there would always be cases where a customer does not ship the item back. In these circumstances, this customer will most probably not get this resolution offered again.

We are also developing a feature where you can limit the amount of risk you are willing to take and protect your cash flow. For example, you will be able to limit the number of products, or the value of products that can be ‘return in progress’ to you. When this limit is reached, we will make sure not to offer this specific resolution for any more customers.

Moreover, you can always see all offers given to all customers under the sessions page as well as track the pending return shipments in the Returns page.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

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