Written by Lian
Updated 1 year ago

Eligibility Rules are return policy rule properties that define which customers, orders, or items within an order are eligible to be returned. 

When a customer enters their Order ID and their email, ZIP, or phone number in the Return Portal, ReturnGO automatically fetches relevant information about the order and customer from Shopify. 

Using the information on the customer and their order, ReturnGO checks which items are eligible for returns based on the different eligibility rules in each return policy. Then, the eligible items are presented to the customer in the return portal.

Depending on whether an item is eligible for all, some, or none of your policy rules, it will be marked with a partially eligible or not eligible tag. 

Parts of an Eligibility Rule

An eligibility rule is composed of three parts: 

1.  Result 

          a. Whether eligible or not eligible. 

2. Conditions

          a. Properties to check and test. 

3. Logical Operator

          a. Connects multiple conditions (OR/AND).

                  1. Only appears if there are multiple conditions built under the same                            level.

                            1. OR means if at least one condition is TRUE, the result will be                                      applied. 

                            2. AND means if at least one condition is FALSE, the complement                                  of the result will be applied. 

Eligibility rules are run against four levels of properties: 

  1. Order-level 
  2. Customer-level 
  3. Item-level 
  4. RMA-level 

The net result will be the product of all results from all levels; if at least one condition level results in not being eligible, then the entire policy rule will not apply to the item being returned. 

Order-Level Eligibility Conditions

Order-level eligibility conditions are conditions that must be met in order for an order to be eligible for a certain action or status.

ReturnGO currently supports the following order-level eligibility rules:

  • Eligibility based on order creation date.

    • Define a relative or absolute eligibility limit based on the order's creation date.
  • Eligibility based on order fulfillment date.

    • Define an eligibility limit based on the order's fulfillment date in relation to the current date.
  • Eligibility based on order delivery date.

    • Define an eligibility limit based on the order's delivery date in relation to the current date.
    • Note: If the delivery date is missing in Shopify, you can use the fulfillment date as a reference date. You can set the fallback tracking in Store Settings
  • Eligibility based on order tags.

    • Define a list of order-level tags to use for the eligibility condition.
      • Can be set to check all, some, or none of the defined tags.
      • Not case sensitive.
      • Accepts comma-separated values, for example A,B,C means A or B or C.
  • Eligibility based on number of RMAs created

    • Define an eligibility limit based on the amount of RMAs the customer created for the order.
  • Eligibility based on order value

    • Define an eligibility limit based on the value paid for the catalog items included.
  • Eligibility based on payment type

    • Define an eligibility limit based on the payment type that was used or whether the order was paid for with or without store credits or gift cards.
      • Can be set to only with, partially with or without.

      Customer-Level Eligibility Conditions

      Customer-level eligibility conditions are conditions that must be met in order for a customer to be eligible for a certain action or status. 

      ReturnGO currently supports the following customer-level eligibility rules:

      • Eligibility based on the customer's location.

        • Define a set of countries and relevant states or provinces to run the condition on.
      • Eligibility based on customer tag

        • Define an eligibility limit based on current and historical tags assigned to the customer.
      • Eligibility based on customer type

        • Define an eligibility limit based on customer type such as Registered or Guest.
      • Eligibility based on number of RMAs created by the customer

        • Define an eligibility limit based on the total number of RMAs that a customer has created.

      Item-Level Eligibility Conditions

      Item-level eligibility conditions refer to the specific requirements that an item must meet in order to be eligible for a certain action or status. 

      ReturnGO currently supports the following item-level eligibility rules:

      • Eligibility based on catalog price.

        • Define a limit based on the catalog price of each item.
        • The catalog price is the price of the item as displayed in the store.
      • Eligibility based on the paid price.

        • Define a limit based on the paid price of each item.
        • The paid price is the catalog price minus any discounts that have been applied to the item.
      • Eligibility based on cost.

        • Define a limit for each item based on its cost.
        • The cost is the merchant's monetary investment per item, which can be defined in Shopify Admin > Products.
        • Eligibility based on the item name.

          • Define a list of item names to run the condition on.
          • Can be set to be a partial match ("contains") or an exact match ("is"), and their opposites.
          • Not case-sensitive.
          • Accepts comma-separated values, for example A, B, C means A or B or C.
          • Eligibility based on the item's tags.

            • Define a list of item tags to run the condition on.
              • Can be set to test all, some, or none of the defined tags.
              • Not case-sensitive.
              • Accepts comma-separated values, for example A, B, C means A or B or C.
          • Eligibility based on the item’s historical tags.

            • Define a list of item tags at the time of purchase.
              • Can be set to test to all, some, only one, or none of the defined tags
              • Not case-sensitive.
              • Accepts comma-separated values, for example A, B, C means A or B or C.
          • Eligibility based on number of exchanges.

            • Define a limit based on the number of times an item was exchanged.
          • Eligibility based on discount codes.

            • Define a limit based on the discount code used at the time of purchase.
              • Can be set to be a partial match (“contains”) or an exact match (“is”), and their opposites
              • Not case-sensitive.
              • Accepts comma-separated values,  for example A, B, C means A or B or C.
          • Eligibility based on return reason.

            • Define a limit on the offered resolutions based on the selected return reason.
          • Eligibility based on item’s weight.

            • Define a limit based on the item's weight per unit.

          RMA-Level Eligibility Conditions

          RMA-level eligibility conditions are conditions that must be met in order for an RMA to be eligible for a certain action or status.

          ReturnGO currently supports the following RMA-level eligibility rules:

          • Eligibility for return based on the total listed price of all items being returned.

            • Define a limit based on the total catalog price of all items selected for the return.
              • The catalog price is the price of the item as displayed in the store.
          • Eligibility for return based on the total paid price of all items being returned.

            • Define a limit based on the total paid price of all items selected for the return.
              • The paid price is the catalog price minus any discounts that have been applied to the item.
          • Eligibility for a return based on the total cost of all items being returned.

            • Define a limit based on the total cost of all items selected for the return.
              • The cost is the merchant's monetary investment per item, which can be defined in Shopify Admin > Products.
          • Eligibility based on the number of items being returned.

            • Define a limit based on the number of items being returned.
            • Uses the raw item count, for example, if 2 S shirts and 1 M shorts were returned, the item count would be 3.
          • Eligibility based on the overall weight of items being returned.

            • Define a limit based on the overall weight of the items in the RMA.

          RMA-level eligibility conditions do not block individual items in the return portal. When conditions are not met, the entire request will be blocked while attempting to generate the resolution offers.

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