What are ReturnScore based resolutions?

Written by Aviad Raz
Updated 3 years ago

ReturnScore based resolutions are real-time resolutions offered on top of your official store policy to your customers. The goal of these resolutions is to offer better solutions for your customers and encourage them to choose store-credit over the refund resolution. This will encourage them to shop with you again, and increase LTV as well as the whole return experience.

Our Algorithm is based on AI, data we receive from your store, and your setup. Before you can start using these resolutions you will need to complete the ReturnScore setup so we can provide the most optimized resolutions to your customers, which will continuously improve over time based on Machine Learning.

Currently, we support three types of ReturnScore resolutions you can use:

Ship it later - means we encourage your customers to choose instant store credits instead of a refund, while giving them more time to ship the item back (within 2 weeks). Our technology decides which customers receive this resolution and the amount of store credits.

Keep the item - means we encourage your customers to choose instant store credits instead of a refund, while keeping the item without the need to ever ship it back. This resolution is offered depending on user behavior, in addition to the reverse logistic costs, shipping costs, margins, ability to resell the item after restocking and more.

Donate the item - For now this resolution is very similar to keep the item, with some extra incentive. Moving forward, we would like to close the loop by working directly with donation companies.

You can read more about ReturnScore technology and our resolutions under the ‘ReturnScore’ section, or contact us via web chat or email at support@returngo.ai.

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